Five Ways to Look After Your Wellbeing

Five Ways to Look After Your Wellbeing
University can be a difficult time, presenting a number of new and unique challenges you may not have faced before. We know that it’s a very worrying and uncertain time for everybody, and that you might be feeling anxious about what’s happening. We are here to support you.

This animation is one of a series of videos to support students with their mental health, produced by Mind’s Mentally Healthy Universities Programme, supported by Goldman Sachs Gives. It focuses on five ways you can look after your wellbeing. Have a look at these tips and ideas. Don’t worry if some ideas don’t work for you – just enjoy the ones that do.

For more information on student mental health, take a look at our Student Mental Health Hub:

Four further animations are being published in March and April 2021 and will be found at:

Source: Five Ways to Look After Your Wellbeing

Not a normal Christmas…

Not a normal Christmas...
Many of us have been experiencing mental health problems for the first time. Those who were struggling with their mental health before the pandemic, didn’t know where to turn when their support networks fell away.

We asked poet Sophia Thakur how she thinks the pandemic is affecting our mental health.

Source: Not a normal Christmas…

Get Set to Go | EFL | Mind

Get Set to Go | EFL | Mind
“I’ve experienced anxiety. It was nice to be able to be in a place with people that were or are in a similar position as I was.”

Getting active can help you feel good. Find out about how Mind and the EFL have teamed up to support more people to be active in their local community #OnYourSide #HaveYourMatesBack

Source: Get Set to Go | EFL | Mind

Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd 2020

Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd 2020
Dyw blaenoriaethu iechyd meddwl erioed wedi bod yn bwysicach nag yw nawr.
Felly, eleni, rydyn ni eisiau dod â phawb at ei gilydd i wneud un peth i nodi Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y byd ar 10 Hydref.
Does dim rhaid i wneud rhai newidiadau syml neu roi blaenoriaeth i iechyd meddwl fod yn gymhleth na chymryd pentwr o amser. Ond mae’n gallu bod yn anodd gwybod ble i gychwyn.

Source: Diwrnod Iechyd Meddwl y Byd 2020

World Mental Health Day 2020

World Mental Health Day 2020
Prioritising mental health has never been more important than it is now.
So this year, we want to bring everyone together to do one thing to mark World Mental Health Day on 10 October.
Making simple changes or taking small steps to prioritise our mental health doesn’t need to be complicated or take up loads of time. But it can be hard to know where to start.

Source: World Mental Health Day 2020